Bowtie Barber Sswimr Co is a barbershop in Philadelphia that thrives on creating a unique experience by implementing therapeutic services that is beneficial to the client. Here are some of the benefits to the services we provide.
Scalp Massage
* Help prevents itchiness and flakes.
* Helps blood circulation in head and neck.
* Strenghtens the hair roots that promote healthy hair growth.
* Facials aide to renew skin cells by allowing the blood flow to circulate underneath the skin.
* Facials remove the build up of dirt and oil leaving you with healthy skin.
*Facials stimulate the skin and relaxes your mind allowing you to gain confidence in your health.
Steam Machine
* Opens pores and soften skin
* Frees trapped sebum from your pores
* Hydrates the skin
* Increase blood circulation and reduces the appearance of wrinkles